My Story
I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and moved to NYC in 1990. I am a mother of two, writer, prenatal yoga teacher, doula and enthusiastic childbirth educator and advocate. For 26 years I have had the honor serving mothers, partners and babies as both a labor support doula and postpartum guide. In 2005 I created Shakti Ma in Maplewood NJ, where for seven years I directed the pre and postnatal yoga and childbirth education programs.
Initiated into yoga while pregnant with my first child, I am committed to continual exploration and evolution in my own practice. Both my teaching craft and my personal practice are fortified by the light of many amazing teachers on my path. I am especially grateful for sustained inspiration from the teachers of Kula Yoga Project and Prema Yoga Brooklyn.
Read a little bit more about my work in New York Magazine
Small things grow…
mothers must mother
each other, too.
we must hold each other up &
surround each other strong &
in the ear
of every new mother
we must whisper,
you belong
you belong.
— Vicki Rivard, @bravenewmama